Robin Star Apartments
Holly, who came out to Singapore around the same time as us but returned to London two years ago, will be hooking up again with her old roomies, Georgie and Graham.
All three of them (seen in the photo below, looking remarkably sober for a change) used to live in Robin Star Apartments, off Bukit Timah Rd, where many a mad party took place.

Holly was a fellow founding member of the infamous ‘No-Hopers’ quiz team, who won many a Carnegies’ quiz and a host of prizes, ranging from the good (flights to Koh Samui), the bad ( a tray full of dodgy cocktails/shooters) to the ugly (awful t-shirts, jerseys etc).
Before she left these shores, Holly hooked up with Hugh – a good pal of Sarah’s from London. Hugh was travelling around SE Asia, after taking a year off work, and paid us a visit for a week. And that’s when he met Holly!

Hugh and Holly hit off it big time and within four days they were hosting a party in Leedon II. [Not that either of them lived there but that’s another story].
Anyway, Hugh had to leave Holly the next am to continue his trek around the region and travelled up to KL – while Holly nursed her hangover at ours with copies of Heat/Now, eats and DVDs.
But fate then played its hand – as no sooner had Hugh got off the train in KL, then when he noticed that his wallet had been stolen. [Funny how Hugh had been all the way across S America and even up to base camp of Everest without losing a thing. Yet a few hours after leaving Singapore/Holly, his wallet goes walkies....]
So the hapless Hugh ditched the idea of touring Malaysia and returned to sunny Singapore and young Holly. And now they are living together in 'sin' - or some place near Shepherd's Bush.
Thus Sarah and I were somewhat instrumental in Holly and Hugh getting together – so much so, that I am responsible for ‘their song’ being that great track by Daniel ‘I’ve got a sister who can sing too’ Beddingfield, ‘If you’re not the one’.
Which reminds me, I must ask the DJ if they can play that on the 22nd....
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