Saturday 22 July, 2006

Back in July 2006, Sarah Anne Hargreaves and Damian Patrick Robinson legally (and finally) got married. This is a brief record of just some of the comings and goings to the big day(s). Thanks to everyone who made the days so special.

There's more to come, folks!

Apologies - but after getting back from S.Africa (which was awesome, by the way), we've had enough to do just getting the house (and the cats!) back to normal after our flurry of visitors. Plus there's the small matter of work.

However, normal blog service will be resumed. And Damian will have the fun tasks of adding:
- write-ups from the Guest book
- pix from the wedding and honeymoon
- write-ups from the wedding and honeymoon
- and other bits and pieces.

So watch this space!

A good year to get married?

The Economist certainly thinks so as this excerpt shows:

The wedding fever owes much to a widespread belief that 2006 is a lucky year. In Chinese culture, the number six indicates that things will go smoothly. This year is also the Year of the Dog (in Chinese the word for a dog’s bark sounds like the word for prosperity). Even more importantly, the lunar calendar means 2006 will be longer than usual and contain two springs, a rare phenomenon said to bring luck. Last year couples avoided getting married because it was a “widow’s year”, with no lunar spring at all.