Saturday 22 July, 2006

Back in July 2006, Sarah Anne Hargreaves and Damian Patrick Robinson legally (and finally) got married. This is a brief record of just some of the comings and goings to the big day(s). Thanks to everyone who made the days so special.

Guest Book: Nat

Yeah, yeah, yeah, alright. So cool that you've got hitched. Love you both - but, obviously, Sarah more, stroke Hargreaves. But not literally!

Anyway, chick, you're a kinda soulmate. And it's soooo coooooooool seeing you and hanging out with you again. I'm not pished you know!

Wishing you both everything you wish for each other.

Peace & love, Nat

ps Thanks for organising such an excellent wedding: beautiful settings, top grub, most convivial company. Or should I say wedddings - plural!

It was great to see you both, and your friends and mad family.

Sarah: You looked beautiful in both of your dresses!! And Damo: Dug the heartfelt blubbing!

Sincerely, it was the best setting ever for a ceremony of lurve.

Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

Love, Nat


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