Anyone that knows us, will soon realise that Sarah likes to get things done correctly and straight away. While I see no harm in doing something until it's actually required.
A case in point was the seating plan for the Saturday.

Now I was tasked with a) coming up with a suitable theme for the table plan, b) getting them drawn up and onto cards, and c) also write a brief story/reason behind each of the table names.
I asked two pals, Henry and Elaine, from my old advertising agency to help out. And, as can see from all these images, they duly came up trumps.

However, because of me leaving things to the last minute (ie the day before the Thursday ceremony!), Elaine being stuck in an all-day meeting and Mark and Tan arriving at 5pm, there was a certain level of stress/anxiety to be found in our house that day.
What made things a tad worse, was that everything had to be done by Wednesday - as we were off to Bintan straight after Thursday's ceremony!..

Anyway, Elaine was a star for drawing up the table plans and then passing the image files to Henry, for him to print out and paste onto A3 boards.
Henry then kindly brought them over to me in Clementi (as I was now with Mark and Tan, plus Esther and Andrew - who were putting us all up for the night) at 10pm - just 13 and a half hours before the legal ceremony.

The boards all looked great - except for three typos....

If it were left to me, I would just taken the boards as they were - for most people would probably have never noticed the mistakes. But Sarah is not most people - so what to do?

Well, Esther being Esther was very cool, calm and collected. She asked if there was anyone who could bring some cards over on Friday/Saturday. Thankfully, Nicole was arriving in Bintan on the Saturday morning.

So Elaine amended the files on the Thurday and passed them to Henry. He then printed them out and pasted them onto A3 boards, and then went even further out of his way to pass the boards to Nicole on the Friday..

Nicole brought the cards over with her on the Saturday and they were passed to us about 2pm on Saturday. Just three hours before they were needed - which was in plenty of time don’t you think?